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7 Tiny Dog Breeds That Will Instantly Melt Your Heart

Photo by vipklouny from Envato Elements

#1 Broodle Griffon

Broodle griffons have a height range of 6 to 11 inches. They typically weigh between six and twelve pounds. Other names for this poodle-Brussels Griffon mix include Brussapoo, Brusapoo, Brus-A-Poo, and Griffinpoo.

Consider dogs with curly coats if you’re seeking a hypoallergenic dog. Spending extra time grooming a dog with a curly coat is to be expected. The eagerness of this dog to impress her owners makes training much simpler.

Griffs are highly intelligent and have a particularly close bond with their owners. Potty training and housebreaking might require more time and effort with many toy breeds. Due to their high level of sensitivity, Broodle Griffons do not react well to severe teaching techniques. They deserve to be loved because they are so lovable.

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