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7 Tiny Dog Breeds That Will Instantly Melt Your Heart

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#3 Maltichon

Maltese and Bichon Frise were crossed by breeders to create the Maltichon. The weight and height limits for this dog are 6 to 12 inches and 6 to 14 pounds, respectively. It is an affectionate family dog that enjoys taking part in all of your family’s activities. This dog also adapts well to homes where another dog is already present.

Maltichons all have silky, broad hair. Some will have marks that are apricot, yellow, or cream. The coat might have one layer or two layers of varying lengths. The brown eyes and black snout of this hybrid breed will be striking. A brief 20-minute romp is welcome, but take care that those wearing double-layer coats might get too hot.

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