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7 Silent Signs Your Dog Has Diabetes

If you think that diabetes is a condition that only affects humans, you should know that it can also affect dogs. Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which the body of your pup has problems regulating its level of insulin. It can affect dogs of any age, and early detection is extremely important if you want your buddy to live a long and healthy life.

Usually, it is recommended to bring your dog to the vet for a regular checkup once a year. But there are some signs and symptoms of diabetes that you can observe between these checkups. So, if you notice any of the following changes, signal them to your vet immediately.

Be aware that these symptoms can also be linked to other conditions. That’s why it is important to take your pup to the vet for a full evaluation in order to find out what is happening to them.

Read on to find out the most common signs of canine diabetes.

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