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7 Silent Signs Your Dog Has Diabetes

Photo by Iryna Imago from Shutterstock

5. Your dog is vomiting, and you can’t find a reason why

Let’s say that your dog is suddenly vomiting, but there is no apparent cause for that. They ate the same food; they stayed only inside, so the possibility of eating something bad from outside is zero. What is going on? There is no logical explanation for what is happening.

Unfortunately, if your dog is vomiting because of diabetes, that is not good news. This only occurs in cases where the illness goes unnoticed for a long time and no treatment is administered.

Diabetic ketoacidosis happens when there is too much sugar in the bloodstream and the remaining insulin, which is not enough, is starting to pull the glucose into the tissue. When this happens, your dog’s body will produce ketones for energy. But this is not the best solution because the blood will turn acidic and affect the way enzymes work.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is an emergency, and if you notice that your pup’s breath smells like nail polish remover, take them immediately to the vet. Their lives depend on this.

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