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The Top 6 Most Trainable Dog Breeds

Photo by DragoNika from

3. Doberman pinscher

Dobies are great family dogs. Yes, you heard right! These dogs are loyal, and even if they are notorious for being fierce guard dogs, they are actually very good companions that enjoy some good cuddles from time to time.

These german dogs are exceptionally intelligent, and it is no surprise that they often work as police or military canines. Dobermans are brave, trustworthy, and easy to train. They are large dogs and need a lot of physical activity. So, we might say that they are not the most appropriate breed to keep in an apartment.

Due to their nature and large size, these dogs need consistent training that should begin at a very young age. The younger the dog, the better. It’s recommended that you socialize them with people and other dogs, and in this way they will learn to not be aggressive.

The essential aspect that you should always consider when training a Dobie is that if you want to have a dog that is obedient and is not pulling the leash when walking outside, you must train it to have owner focus. This technique has nothing to do with the aspect of giving you attention, but it actually teaches your companion to always work together with you no matter the situation.

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