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The Top 6 Most Trainable Dog Breeds

dog breed
Photo by Diana Kellior from Shutterstock

2. Poodle

Sweet and with an avant-garde look, the Poodle is the national dog of France. The funny part about this is that this dog is not actually French. It is German. The breed was used as a waterfowl-hunting dog, and its name comes from the word “pudel”, German for “to splash the water.”

Poodles are athletic dogs that enjoy pleasing their owners. They really like people and their company. But these canines also have a playful, mischievous side. It is true that they are extraordinarily intelligent and easy to train, but don’t be fooled by that. Poodles can be rather stubborn and will try to outsmart you.

All in all, they love to be companions and are eager to learn new tricks, commands and various games. They need a lot of mental stimulation, so you have to be aware of that before deciding to own a Poodle. 

What is great about them is that they come in three sizes: standard (more than 15 inches tall); miniature (15 inches or under); and toy (no more than 10 inches). You can have a Poodle no matter where you live, be it a large house with a big yard or a cozy apartment in the middle of the city. You will get the same dog with the same roguish temperament in whatever size you want.

Now, get ready to find out who the winner is! Drum rolls, please…

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