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15 Foods You Should NEVER Share With Your Dog

Photo by Vicky Gosselin from Shutterstock


When it comes to alcohol, things are very simple: it has the same effect on dogs and humans.

However, it takes a lot less to hurt your pet. Just a little bit of beer, liquor, wine, or even alcoholic candies might really damage your dog’s health.

You’ll instantly notice that they start vomiting, have diarrhea, and have all kinds of coordination and breathing problems, they might even fall into a coma, and this can even prove to be fatal. The smaller your dog is, the worse it gets.

Onions and garlic

Try your best to keep onions and garlic, whether they’re powdered, raw, cooked, or even dehydrated, as far as possible from your little pet.

They might kill your red blood cells and cause anemia. Also, watch out, as you can find onion powder in some types of baby food, and it won’t take too much until your dog feels sick.

If you suspect that your pet is unwell after getting in contact with onions and garlic, try to look for signs of weakness, vomiting, and even breathing issues.

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