Coffee, tea, and caffeine
If you want your dog to be more energetic, play with his favorite toys, not caffeine. When it comes to your dog, watch out for coffee, tea, beans, and grounds.
Also, keep your dog away from cocoa, chocolate, cola, and even energy drinks. Beware that caffeine can also be found in some cold medicines and painkillers.
If you suspect that your dog had caffeine, you should get it to the vet as fast as you can.
Grapes and raisins
If you want to give a treat to your dog for being such a good boy, give him dog treats, not grapes and raisins.
These two are known to cause kidney failure in dogs, and the smallest amount might actually cause them health problems.
If your dog ate grapes or raisins and started vomiting all over the place, then that’s one of the earliest signs.
The symptoms will slowly appear within a day, as your dog will seemingly appear more sluggish and depressed.