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8 Dog Breeds That Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

Photo by Elena Vasilchenko from Shutterstock

5. Italian Greyhound

Some people describe them as very “needy,” while others say they are extremely devoted. Well, we say they are a very clingy breed.

Italian Greyhounds are suitable for anyone. They don’t require much space, but if they have it, even better. Their fur is very short and hardly noticeable when they shed.

They are very amusing when dressed in different outfits, so you’ll have fun with them. They are also very affectionate towards their owner and would fully engulf you if they can.

Check out this very interesting Italian Grayhound High Neck Striped Long Sleeve T-Shirt.

Most of the time, they prefer to be in your arms like a cat. Italian Greyhounds don’t bark excessively; they are quite well-behaved as they don’t have a history of chewing things around the house.

If you desire a puppy that will be with you non-stop, then get an Italian Greyhound because they are marvelous!

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