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6 Dog Breeds You’ll Pay a Fortune to Raise

chow chow dog
Photo by otsphoto from

4. Chow Chow

These big and fluffy teddy bears are also quite expensive to raise. The initial cost of this dog ranges from $1000 to $4000. On the other hand, the adoption fee is $300. This is a more reasonable price.

As with any other dog, you will have to spend more money in the first year as the puppy will need to be vaccinated and trained. Since it is one of the larger breeds, the equipment for the dog, such as the leash, is also more expensive. Adding food and treats, the cost for the first year is about $5000. After that, the cost goes down and is about $1900 per year.

Chow Chows are prone to diabetes if they become obese, and the cost of treating this disease can be as high as $3000. Another problem common in this breed is glaucoma, but in this case, prices vary widely. The average is usually between $300 and $1500.

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