5. Saint Bernard
Often referred to as “the gentle giants of the dog world,” these puppies are some of the most lovable and friendly dogs around. They have a big heart that will warm you on a cold winter day. They also have an even bigger brain, which makes them extremely intelligent.
Just like the Chow Chow, they are pretty rare, and you can not just find them in any shelter. For this reason, most people prefer to buy them from professional breeders. The cost of a Saint Bernard puppy ranges from $1000 to $1500.
The cost for the initial supplies and setup can be around $600, depending on your budget. With this money, you can buy the essentials for your St. Bernard puppy. Things like a leash, toys, a bed, a dog collar, and so on.
After the first year, the average cost per month can vary between $185 and $771. Besides food and treats your buddy will need professional grooming for that gorgeous coat.
As a general rule, veterinary bills may be slightly higher than for other breeds due to the size of the dog. Your dog may need larger amounts of medication, and that is the reason for the higher prices.
So if you want to raise a St. Bernard, be prepared to spend a few bucks because this big boy needs some upkeep if you want him to be healthy and happy.