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9 Affectionate Dog Breeds That Will Love You To The Moon And Back

dog breed
Photo by Grigory_bruev from Envato Elements

#1 Newfoundland

Although Newfoundlands are by no means small, the average female can weigh between 100 and 120 pounds, and the male even more so, this simply means that there is more of them to love.

So, don’t be deceived by the intimidating appearance! All-around softies, Newfies (and the majority of Newfie-mixes) are known for being exceptionally patient with children. 

These obedient dogs are simple to train and incredibly loving with their family members. With their thick coats and drooling habit, Newfoundlands can be a little messy, but their owners will tell you that it is well worth it to own one of these loving dogs. Just be certain that you have enough room for these large pups.

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