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9 Affectionate Dog Breeds That Will Love You To The Moon And Back

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Photo by Grigory_bruev from Envato Elements

#2 Bernese Mountain Dog

These friendly, tri-colored dogs adore hanging out with their family, as they will surely demonstrate by giving you a lot of hugs and kisses. Although they are calm, tolerant dogs who are anxious to please their entire family, Berners frequently develop a special attachment to one chosen human.

These gentle canines make wonderful furry family members because they get along nicely with both children and other dogs. Because Bernese mountain dogs tend to be reserved with strangers, you should make sure they get a ton of socializing as puppies.

Since Berners are considered a breed with lower energy, they make the ideal cuddle buddy at the end of the day. Additionally, we must say that they are irresistible because of their huge, fluffy coats!

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