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9 Affectionate Dog Breeds That Will Love You To The Moon And Back

dog breed
Photo by byrdyak from Envato Elements

#3 Mastiff

A Mastiff may easily intimidate a person. After all, they weigh between 120 and 230 pounds, making them enormous working dogs. Yet, despite their enormous size, these gigantic buddies have a heart that is as big and sweet as they are!

They want to be close to you at all times, even if they need to wait. They have a long history as warriors, hunters, and regrettably, as fighting dogs. They are a breed that has existed for numerous generations. However, some of their hostile ancestors may have contributed to their current role as devoted house pets.

Mastiffs make devoted and confident guardians that are good-natured family companions. However, given the difficulties that come with their great size, they require an owner that is committed to regular, creative training sessions.

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