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10 Dog Breeds That Will Probably Get Cancer

bichon frise
Photo by Eve Photography from Shutterstock

10. Bichon Frise

A small dog breed with a happy-go-lucky attitude and playful nature, the Bichon Frise also has an increased risk of cancer.

Specifically, these lovely dogs are more likely to develop hemangiosarcoma compared to many other canine breeds. This is a form of bleeding tumor that commonly develops in the spleen, but it can be found in any other organ. If you have a Bichon Frise, veterinarians recommend checking your pet’s blood yearly for cancer.

With an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years, this breed is also prone to allergies, liver disease, and patellar luxation. It’s thought that neutering or spaying your furry friend may play a role in preventing cancer. According to experts, there’s statistical evidence that early neutering or spaying within the first year of age may influence the incidence of certain cancers.

You may also want to read Warning: These Cleaning Products Are TOXIC for Your Pets!

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