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10 Dog Breeds That Will Probably Get Cancer

Photo by EKATERINA SOLODILOVA from Shutterstock

8. Rottweiler

A large, powerful dog known for its skills as a guardian, Rottweilers were developed in Germany and are descendants of Roman military dogs. They are also at a higher risk of developing cancer than other canine breeds.

With a lifespan of 8 to 11 years, these dogs are prone to lymphoma, soft tissue sarcomas (cancers that develop in soft tissues like muscle, fat, tendons, and blood vessels), mast cell tumors, bladder cancer, osteosarcoma, and hemangiosarcomas.

Rottweilers are also prone to major health issues, including gastric torsion, elbow dysplasia, and canine hip dysplasia. If you have a Rottweiler, keep in mind that this breed requires both physical and mental exercise daily in order to stay healthy.

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