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7 Everyday Habits That Put Your Pet in Danger

Photo by Aleksey Boyko at Shutterstock

Hazardous Car Rides

When it comes to our dogs, we all transport them around every once in a while. We might take them with us shopping, to see a vet, or simply tag them along for a ride.

And let’s be honest. They don’t mind! Most dogs wiggle around with joy as soon as you open your car door.

Riding in the car with your fluff ball isn’t just an opportunity for you to spend some time with them but also a joyful experience for them.

Unfortunately, though, most of us don’t make these rides SAFE for them. When you jump in the car, the first thing you should do is close the window.

It should be high enough so that your dog can’t jump out, especially if you plan on traveling down the middle of the highway!

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