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7 Everyday Habits That Put Your Pet in Danger

Photo by Dora Zett at Shutterstock

Walking Without A Leash

Even if you have a well-trained dog, walking without a leash in public spaces might put your pup in harm’s way.

You can never know when something unexpected will happen that’ll cause your dog to dash off, potentially into traffic.

If you’re walking your fluff ball off-leash, it’ll give you very little control in situations like this.

You don’t know when your dog may take an interest in other animals, trash on the ground, another dog’s waste, or any other things that could be choking hazards.

Not to mention the harmful bacteria and parasites that are outside.

And even if your pup is friendly when approaching other dogs or people, not everyone wants to greet them, and not every dog you come in contact with is friendly.

You should always ensure safety and follow leash laws.

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