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7 Everyday Habits That Put Your Pet in Danger

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Feeding Your Pet From The Dinner Table

Whenever we sit down for dinner and we see those big puppy-dog eyes, it’s hard to say no to your four-legged beggar.

But veterinarians strongly recommend you don’t feed your pet human food, especially off the table.

In most cases, human food has too much fat for your pet’s digestive system to handle properly.

Another reason to avoid this is that many items have ingredients that can be dangerous, sometimes even fatal for them.

The ASPCA warns against giving many foods to your pet, including chocolate, garlic, avocado, caffeine, sweeteners, citrus fruits, grapes, raisins, onions, and raw meats.

Consult the ASPCA website for a full list of what you shouldn’t be feeding your pet.

Beyond the harmful health effect, giving human food to dogs encourages begging behaviors, which can become a problem when it’s excessive.

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