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Top 8 Deadliest Animals in Your State

Photo by Maria Dryfhout from shutterstock.com

#2 California, Georgia, Missouri (Snakes)
Statistics show that, even though 221 individuals in California are bitten by poisonous snakes each year, fewer than 0.5 percent of bites result in death. This is because antivenom is easily accessible. The Western Diamondback, Mojave, and Sidewinder rattlesnakes are a few of the most prevalent species in California.

Venomous snakes, such as Copperhead, Timber, Cottonmouth, Coral, and Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes, are the main cause of animal-related fatalities in Georgia.

According to the Georgia Poison Control Center, the number of snake bites in Georgia jumped by over 40% in 2017. This dramatic rise was linked to the state’s short and warm winter.

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