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10 Contagious Diseases Your Dog May Get in Public Places

contagious disease
Photo by sophiecat from Shutterstock

1. Canine Parvovirus

Parvo is one of the most contagious diseases your dog may get, so it’s vital to get your four-legged friend vaccinated as a puppy. In fact, the virus responsible for the parvo disease, parvovirus, is one of the first things pups get vaccinated for.

According to veterinarians, a puppy with parvo can get vomiting, regurgitation, and severe diarrhea, which can all lead to dehydration and even death. The good news is that vaccination against this virus is highly effective.

Parvovirus is spread orally, via oral or fecal transmission. If a dog becomes infected, it’s vital to keep them hydrated and ensure they’re getting nutrients. Experts note that parvo is one of the most contagious diseases your dog may get. Therefore, you should clean and disinfect any object or surface with a water and bleach solution if a dog with parvo has been in contact with it.

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