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10 Contagious Diseases Your Dog May Get in Public Places

sick dog
Photo by Lindsay Helms from Shutterstock

3. Canine Distemper

Another contagious disease your dog may get is distemper. While we’re talking about a deadly disease here that used to be more prevalent decades ago, fortunately, we now have a vaccine for it, which was the first big vaccine for dogs.

This contagious disease your dog may get is spread by bodily secretions and results in three health issues: upper respiratory issues, gastrointestinal upset, and neurologic issues. The last stage of infection involves seizures, which often end with the death of the dog.

Luckily, the vaccine is effective and safe. In fact, experts say they don’t see or hear about distemper cases very often these days, which means medicine has done a great job of controlling a devastating disease.

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