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10 Contagious Diseases Your Dog May Get in Public Places

sick dog
Photo by Stacey Welu from Shutterstock

6. Canine Herpesvirus (CHV)

Another contagious disease your dog may get is CHV, also known as canine herpesvirus. Dogs of any age can get infected, but the highest mortality rate is in puppies.

Older dogs may have respiratory issues or a mild fever, but otherwise, the disease may go unnoticed in them unless they struggle with other health issues. However, it’s important to point out that this virus can remain latent, which means dogs can have it for life and pass it on to other dogs.

While treatment is available, experts have mixed opinions on whether it should be administered, as puppies with CHV so commonly die. While there’s a CHV vaccine in the UK, it’s not available in the US. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to protect your puppy from this contagious disease.

One piece of advice would be to keep your newborn puppy warm, as puppies have poor thermoregulation and CHV thrives in lower temperatures.

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