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10 Contagious Diseases Your Dog May Get in Public Places

sick dog
Photo by Sergey Nivens from Shutterstock

5. Coronavirus

Similar to canine influenza, coronavirus is a contagious disease your dog may get from another dog through sneezing and coughing. According to experts, it can be hard to diagnose.

It’s important to note that canine coronavirus is a different strain that’s not related to COVID-19. It is, however, highly contagious and is known to attack the intestines. While it doesn’t usually last very long, canine coronavirus can result in serious discomfort for your furry friend. Moreover, dogs can still spread the disease for 180 days following infection.

There is a vaccine for canine coronavirus, but veterinarians point out that it can cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Keep reading to find out about other contagious diseases your dog may get in public spaces!

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