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These 8 Strong Dog Breeds Can Take You Down in a Heartbeat

Photo by GeptaYs from Shutterstock

3. Dogo Argentino

They have short coats, massive bodies, and puppy-like faces. As their name says, they originated in Argentina in the 1920s and were used to hunt big game like wild boars. They are powerful canines and can weigh up to 100 pounds.

Sadly, in the past, they were also fighting dogs. Actually, the doctor who “created” the breed, Antonio Nores Martinez, had exactly this in mind. He wanted to create a new fighting dog that would be better than any dog the world had seen up to that point.

Thankfully, these amazing pups are no longer fighting since it is prohibited. In many countries, such as the UK and Australia, the Dogo Argentino is an illegal breed because it was used for such cruel purposes.

They are not the best breed for first-time owners because they can be pretty difficult to raise. They are not aggressive toward humans or other dogs, but they need training and socialization.

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