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7 Dog Breeds Way too Energetic for Seniors

Image By Eve Photography From Shutterstock

Bernese Mountain Dog

You may have seen some people walking a Bernese Mountain dog around and wondered where they were from. This large breed of dog is a Swiss breed that has become iconic in the country.

They are known for having been bred to haul produce through the farmlands located in the Swiss mountains, and over the years others have used them as guard dogs too. A well-known thing about them is that they can pull their weight several times without getting tired.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large breed, so they both need a lot of space but also a lot of activity to be able to get their energy out. They may have been all about the business before, but now they are known as family pets as well, provided you can keep up with their energy.

They can also be couch potatoes sometimes, but you will need to make sure they get all the stretching their long legs need, and this can sometimes prove to be a bit difficult for some.

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