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7 Dog Breeds Way too Energetic for Seniors

standard poodle
Image By nieriss From Shutterstock

Standard Poodle

While the first image in your mind when you think about this pup is probably a French one, these dogs were not meant to be cute; they were big dogs for the elite of Paris. They were actually bred and trained as water dogs in order to help their owners when hunting ducks and be able to fetch anything they may have caught easily.

Thus, they love to run around and make themselves useful, meaning they need a lot of activity or else they will get bored. Like most dogs on this list, they are extremely intelligent, and if they are not entertained or kept as active as they need, they get bored and may end up causing problems around the home.

If you think you can handle such an energetic, big dog, make sure you take them to training and maybe consider obedience training as well.

They are a good match for most people who are looking for an energetic dog, especially since they are a hypoallergenic breed, so there is no need to worry about allergic reactions with them around!

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