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7 Dog Breeds Way too Energetic for Seniors

siberian husky
Image By Anastasiia Cherniavskaia From Shutterstock

Siberian Husky

You didn’t think we would only have the Bernese Mountain Dog on our list of sleigh dogs, no? Much like our previously mentioned canine, huskies have also been known to pull humans and produce through the snowy countryside for centuries.

The difference is that huskies have been living in one of the world’s harshest climates, which helped them develop their coat so they can withstand very low temperatures. However, while we no longer keep them in the city or in non-harsh weather environments for practical needs, it is in their DNA to be energetic.

Known to be extremely affectionate and cuddly, huskies are extremely loyal and vocal, and they need to be kept active. While some joke that big dogs are like huge fluffy rugs, you will not be getting a couch potato dog if you are getting a husky.

They’re extremely energetic and, like all the dogs on our list, need long walks and activities that would help them get rid of all that energy.

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