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7 Tiny Dog Breeds That Will Instantly Melt Your Heart

Photo Ian McGlasham from

#4 Chorkie

The Yorkshire terrier and Chihuahua were crossed to create the stylish Chorkie. They should be between 2 and 8 pounds in weight and between 6 and 9 inches tall. They could also be referred to as Yorkiechi. Any combination of colors is possible, but because of their Yorkshire genes, most have a pronounced grizzled aspect.

It is necessary to breed a Yorkshire Terrier with a Chihuahua each time you want a little Chorkie because, unlike other designer dogs, you can’t breed two Chorkies to get a dog with a similar appearance.

Even though it usually only needs 1 or 2 baths per month, keep an eye out for ear hair growth in this breed. Ear infections may result from this obstruction of airflow into the ears. Deafness can develop as a result of frequent ear infections.

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