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7 Tiny Dog Breeds That Will Instantly Melt Your Heart

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#5 Pug

Pugs have been used as companion dogs for over 2000 years, despite being bred as lap dogs by the Shang Dynasty around 300 BC. But they weren’t always this little. The breeder purposefully bred pugs to be smaller after bringing them from China to the Netherlands.

In the nineteenth century, the Pug became more well-known because of Queen Victoria. She owned a number of pugs that she had bred. The Kennel Club, considered to be the first kennel club in the world, was founded in 1873 as a result of Queen Victoria’s interest in dogs.

The Pug is described by the Kennel Club as “a lot of dog in a small frame,” emphasizing its friendly and playful personality. Folks who live in tight spaces, such as apartments and those who have young children are advised to choose a pug, according to the AKC.

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