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10 Dog Breeds That Will Probably Get Cancer

boxer dog
Photo by Lenkadan from Shutterstock

4. Boxer

With an outgoing and curious personality, Boxers make great companions for an active family. However, experts list the Boxer among breeds that are at a higher risk of developing cancer.

The most common types of cancer include mast cell tumors, skin hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, and brain tumors. Thankfully, skin hemangiosarcoma has a greater survival rate than general hemangiosarcoma since the change on the dog’s skin surface is more noticeable.

To help detect changes in your dog’s health or signs of cancer, veterinarians recommend looking for several symptoms. Physically, you’ll want to look for any bumps or lumps on the skin as well as changes in their hair coat.

Experts also suggest looking for changes in your pet’s water consumption, appetite, weight loss, or behavior like sleeping in odd places, spending more time alone, or a sudden slowing down.

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