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8 Dog Breeds That Would Guard You With Their Life

low energy
Image By GoodFocused From Shutterstock

Great Dane

This breed is native to Germany, where it was used for hunting large game such as boars. And it is easy to understand why! These big dogs measure around 28 to 32 inches and weigh 110 to 175 pounds.

A fun fact about the Great Dane: the famous cartoon character Scooby-Doo is a member of this breed. However, despite their massive size, real-life Great Danes are graceful and athletic, not clumsy like Scooby. 

They’re also brave and have a deep, scary-sounding bark. Combine this with their imposing stature, and you have the best watchdog.

Still, they have very gentle and loving personalities, and in case they encounter an intruder, these dogs won’t probably do any harm to them.

The Great Danes have a shorter lifespan (typically six to ten years) and are more susceptible to cardiovascular, bone, and gastrointestinal problems.

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