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8 Dog Breeds That Would Guard You With Their Life

guard dog
Image By Victoria Antonova From Shutterstock

Belgian Malinois

Working dogs, such as the Belgian Malinois Shepherd, take enormous joy in guarding their owners. The Belgian is an excellent family guardian because of his powerful protective instincts and exceptionally alert attitude toward strangers.

Belgians can be playful one moment and serious the next. This happens mostly because they are alert at all times, even when they are playing and having fun. 

The Belgian Malinois is a preferred breed of military and police K-9 teams due to its athleticism, search and rescue skills, and trainability. This dog has a lot of energy and shines when given a job.

According to the American Belgian Malinois Club, it can also be territorial and possessive. As a result, caregivers should be willing to devote significant time to training.

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