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8 Dog Breeds That Would Guard You With Their Life

Photo by DragoNika from shutterstock.com

Doberman pinscher

The Doberman, one of the best guard dog breeds, is a slim, robust, fearless, and swift canine. It is also rated the fifth-smartest dog breed on the planet and is always vigilant and ready to protect its owners.

Dobermans are barking a lot as well. If necessary, they will take a threat seriously, pinning or cornering an invader until humans come over to intervene in the incident and take control.

With little to no professional training, these canines can often provide great protection. You can refine your dog’s defensive skills and turn him into an effective guard dog with a disciplined training program.

Dobermans may be enormous buffoons when they’re not on duty. They have tremendous energy demands and are excellent jogging buddies. Unfortunately, the breed is susceptible to a wide range of health issues, including spine compression, blood-clotting conditions, obesity, and skin problems.

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