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8 Dog Breeds That Would Guard You With Their Life

guard dog
Image By Oksmaster From Shutterstock


Akitas are among the most faithful dog breeds. This brave and vigilant breed was developed in feudal Japan to protect royalty and nobility. It is naturally cautious of visitors. During a trip to Japan in 1937, Helen Keller was given an Akita, becoming the first American to own one of these amazing dogs. 

Akitas are very friendly animals who can be funny and playful. They typically bark only when they have a particularly good reason.

Akitas will always keep an eye on you and your family. This breed takes its guarding responsibilities seriously and will frequently perform them with no or little training. This dog will need obedience training or guard dog training to sharpen its native talents. As with other dogs, thorough socialization will be required to prevent excessive standoffishness or hostility.

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